Think. Process. Emotion.

A Collection of Poetry

by Daniel R.T.N. Kilby



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 01/04/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 165
ISBN : 9781456894481

About the Book

Growing up I spent a lot of time acting in the role of the parent. As the eldest of 4, with two parents struggling through various addictions, a large portion of my emotional, physical, and spiritual childhood was lost to me. As I transitioned through high school with my siblings, it became increasingly more apparent how out of touch with who I am I was, and poetry was one of many things I turned to as an outlet for discovering myself. This compilation of poems has been published with the intent that everyone might feel comfortable reaching inside themselves, however they may do so, to discover who they are. I hope to be an example to the outside world. Let this, amongst other things, be my legacy.

About the Author