Pathfinder Questions

A Buddhist Guide to Intelligent Childrearing

by Robert Colacurcio



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/4/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 100
ISBN : 9781493179022
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 100
ISBN : 9781493179039

About the Book

What resources do thoughtful parents fall back on when the faith-based religious practices of their youth no longer satisfy their own spiritual needs, and yet they truly want to raise their children with a foundation in some faith-based practice? Thoughtful parents struggle with this basic question: how do we raise our children to have a solid religious footing? The suggestion for guidance made in this book is that really good questions can be the resource parents are looking for. “Pathfinder questions” are the really good questions that not only illuminate the way to go; they actually help create the way to go. Pathfinder questions are one of the resources from the spiritual technology toolkit of the Buddha. This aspect of the Buddhist methodology can be applied to the practice of any faith-based religion without the least conflict or compromise whatsoever. Pathfinder questions are like a lighthouse beacon. They offer guidance without coercion. The path is illuminated; the obstacles are made clear; but the choice is like the boat captain’s whether to sail ahead full speed or not. If the reader chooses to ask the pathfinder questions as a way to guide their children, they will be choosing to sail full speed ahead.

About the Author