NIMS Incident Action Plan Template
Book Details
About the Book
The NIMS Incident Action Plan Template outlines the US DHS approved National Management System. This management tool can be benchmarked and used globally. It is largely based upon 4 standard levels of procedural documents.
Global users will focus on events that are not site specific, are geographically dispersed, or evolve over long periods of time which tend to require extraordinary coordination between federal, State, local, tribal, private sector, and government organizations. Throughout the text, users are provided a straight forward format in an effort to create a thorough yet accessible resource.
The template opens by defining certain Concepts and Principles regarding Command & Management, Incident Command (ICS) is both scalable and modular. After a Glossary of terms, users go on to look at Resource Management. Resource Management involves 4 primary tasks, establishing systems to describe, inventory, request and track response resources.
It also covers dispatch, deactivation or re-calling resources during and immediately following an incident. After this section, the template provides space where users can record information relating to specific procedures in reports relating to communication, identification and authentication, food service, and even medical units. With all of this input applied, a liaison officer who would help maintain off incident interagency contacts and coordination in conjunction with others in similar capacities will prepare and disseminate the plan.
Yes the plan, once you in put all pertinent information into this template, (XYZ) agency will have your own “INCIDENT ACTION PLAN”. An IAP usually is useful for up to 12 days.