The Mystery of Life What’s it all about?
Discovering the Truth in a Skeptical World
Book Details
About the Book
Have you ever seriously considered the most difficult and puzzling questions presented to our minds during this mortal sojourn through an often difficult and challenging existence? Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? And perhaps the most important question of all: What is my purpose for living? In this ultra-modern, digital world of today many people have become so preoccupied with the daily pursuits of life and the addictive overuse of time-consuming technology that many of them rarely pause to seriously consider what life is actually all about.
In writing The Mystery of Life it has been my hope and my goal to personally challenge each reader to consider many relevant facts and to follow a line of evidence pointing toward a worldview that is often overlooked and too easily marginalized. We live in an aggressive, technology-driven world where the wild pursuit of power, prestige, possession, and pleasure has become the driving influence ruling over many of our lives.
What does your worldview look like? Is there enough evidence to support it beyond reasonable doubt? If not, then I invite you to consider a vast body of mounting evidence that could lead toward a more accurate discernment of an often confusing existence. The view of life that we have each come to know will strongly influence everything we do, say, and become in this world. Based on a remarkable consensus of evidence, perhaps we should consider a worldview understanding that will ultimately avail our hearts and minds of the personal fulfillment and satisfaction we have always longed for and often dreamed of.
We owe it to ourselves to seriously consider where the evidence is leading us. Isn’t it about time to discover the answers to our most persistent and pressing questions. The Mystery of Life is presented as a literary expose’ addressing the questions of origin, meaning, morality and destiny.
About the Author
Born in 1950, David Peeples grew up in a small Western Washington logging town near the coast of the Pacific Northwest. As a young boy he would always prefer to be outdoors whenever possible as this afforded him the opportunity to satisfy his growing curiosity for the natural world first hand. After his graduation from high school, he attended Lower Columbia College in Longview, Washington where the focus of his academic study in the sciences would become the natural progression of a keen interest in a complex physical world and its many wonders. This led him to the discovery and understanding of many facts and details that have defined the disciplines of physics, chemistry, and biology. David went on to the University of Washington in Seattle where he studied and received an academic degree in pharmaceutical science in 1973. After combining his science background with a personal interest in history and theology, he turned to writing as a way to share the knowledge gained through many years of study, research, observation, and personal experience. As a long-term healthcare professional, he soon recognized that writing and teaching were the most effective ways to share the knowledge and understanding he had gained, which could ultimately benefit others as well. Many years of study, research, writing and editing would eventually lead to the completion of a book narrative that he had dreamed of sharing throughout much of his adult life. The Mystery of Life book project is not a casual stab in the dark at a few puzzling questions inherent in a complex physical world, but contains some thorough documentation of highly relevant and verifiable scientific and historical facts that have been, all too often, conveniently overlooked and even carelessly disregarded by a skeptical world.