Meditations from Washington Square

by Frank Miceli



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/02/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781524579388
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781524579395
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781524579371

About the Book

Meditations from Washington Square is a collection of poetry recently written by Frank Miceli. The park is a melange of cosmopolitan cross currents. Located on Fifth Avenue and made famous by its historic arch, a tribute to George Washington, it quickly became a front yard for Dr. Miceli—a place to sit outside, observe people, enjoy live music, witness protests, converse, read, and write. His student years long over, he had stopped crossing the park to attend or teach classes. He crosses it to return home. His active days of tossing a Frisbee with his son have been replaced by hours of sitting on a bench and ruminating about life in general and his life in particular. These poems are the literal and literary expression of Dr. Miceli’s thoughts. They were randomly written and are presented in no particular order. The collection covers myriad subjects; some broadly based, others deeply personal. The author touches on the changing universe, relationships, family, romance, nature, art, aging, and his own concerns and considerations and experiences. In some instances, he asks and answers his own questions. At other times, he discovers that, for him, there are no answers. But there are lessons learned. As we read these meditations, perhaps we might also learn something about ourselves. Through his poetry, Frank Miceli conveys his faith in people rather than institutions. He inspires us to be mindful, to value each day. Without glorification, he finds the essence within his subjects and expresses his thoughts simply, frankly, with honesty, humor, and charm. He is satisfied with the life that he has lived—one without envy or false hope. Now in his eighth decade, he has found a balance of emotion and practicality, wisdom and wonder, pride and humility, routine and adaptation, serenity and upheaval, purpose and wit.

About the Author

Frank Miceli is a New Yorker: he grew up in the city and on Long Island. After serving in the US Army during the Korean War, he attended New York University, where he received his Ph.D. He taught English at high schools in Brentwood and Great Neck, New York, was a Consultant for the Department of Education for the Virgin Islands of the United States, and then became a Teaching Fellow at New York University. During his association with NYU, Frank Miceli was the creator and host of two TV series, "Nothing But Biography" and "Public Affairs, Private Opinions", which were broadcast on WCBS-TV and WNBC-TV. He was also a co-host with Dr. Roscoe Brown for the TV series "Black Letters". Following his years at NYU, Dr. Miceli was the Founder and Chairman of the Media Ecology Department at Jersey City State College, New Jersey. He is the author of the novel The Seventh Month and has contributed to many American Education publications. For fifty years, he has lived on Washington Square.