
Waiting for Love in Forlornness

by Zhao Crowley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/30/2018

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 322
ISBN : 9781543408508
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 322
ISBN : 9781543408492
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 322
ISBN : 9781543408485

About the Book

这本诗集包含了110 首诗。大部分诗写于2016年11月到2017年11月间,为中等到长诗篇幅。这一年的生活给予了作者强烈的感情体验,大部分的感情和移民生活,爱情及人与人之间的关系相关。读着这些诗,你能够感觉到作者表达出的感情,比如爱情,从初次的相见,陷入爱情,直到分离的悲伤。诗中作者表达了欢乐,孤独,悲伤,道义挣扎及其他一些情绪。每一页有一首独立的诗,但整个诗集连贯起来,读者或许会发现一个完整的爱情故事的线索。此诗集或许给你带来人生的思考,有关于找到自我,爱情与道德关系的复杂性,寻找真实自我与生活在社会规则之下的冲突性.每个人的答案或许不同,答案自在每个读者的心中。 This bilingual poem collection contains one hundred and ten poems; most of the poems are in middle-to-long length. It was written by the author from November 2016 to November 2017. During this time, the life experience stirred up the author’s strong feelings about immigration life, love, relationship, and others. Reading these poems, you can experience emotions about falling in love from first glance to the sadness of separation or break up. In the poems, the author expressed her feelings of joy, loneliness, sadness, moral struggling, and other emotions. Every page has just one single poem; however, the whole poem collection has a clue to be a love story from beginning to the end. This poem collection may let you think about the life of human being, how to find yourself, the complex feature of love relationship and moral, the conflict of finding your real self, and the life under social rules. Everyone’s thought may be different, but the answer is in your heart.

About the Author

向昭 1972年1月出生于中国陕西西安。祖父曾留学于日本早稻田大学学习陶艺与中国水墨画,自幼生长在教育艺术氛围浓厚的家庭,5岁时第一次在父母任教的学校校刊发表一首描写花园小白花的短诗,受妈妈的鼓励,喜欢用笔纪录对生活的感受与思考。中学时参加校园诗社。1996年毕业于西北政法大学国际经济法系后,在陕西财经学院(后合并于西安交通大学)任教。2000年留学澳大利亚麦考瑞大学,获得商法硕士学位,毕业后移民成为澳大利亚公民。现在定居于悉尼,作者保留了用笔纪录生活与感受的习惯,经常在微博,微信中发表一些短文,诗歌,游记等。作者喜欢旅游与美食烹饪,至今已经游历了大部分欧国家,以及美国加拿大和东南亚,中国包括香港,台湾等大部分地区,也经常喜欢邀约朋友于家中聚会,烹饪创意美食。作者生活经历丰富,感情强烈。本诗集收录了作者写于2016年11月至2017年11月之间的愈百首中,长度诗歌。 Zhao Crowley: Born at Xi’an of P.R of China in January 1972, the author grows up from a family with rich educational and artistic atmosphere. Her grandfather has ever been an overseas student study Pottery and Chinese Ink Painting at Waseda University in Japan. At age five, the author published her first short poem at campus magazine at her parents’ teaching school, the poem is about a white flower in the campus garden. Encouraged by mother, since then, she likes to record her feelings and things of life by pen. She attended poem group at high school. In 1996 after the author graduated from the North-West University of Politics and Law Science, she became an assistant lecture at the Shannxi Finance Institute (joint with Xi’an Jiaotong University)。 The author came to Australia in 2000 and studied at the Macquarie University, Obtained a master degree of Commercial Law. After the graduation, she immigrated into Australia and became as an Australia citizen. She now lives in Sydney. The author kept her habit to record her life experience and feelings by pen, she published some small articles, poems and travel stories at her blog, social web WeChat etc. She likes travel and cook, until now she traveled most parts of Europe, America and Canada, as well as South-East Asia and most areas in China including Hong Kong and Taiwan. She likes invite friends come to home and cook creative delicious food. The author has rich life experience and has strong feelings about life. This poem collection collect poems she wrote between November 2016 to November 2017 over 100 pieces.