Inspiration for Tough Times

by Butch Dias



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/25/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781984541000
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781984541024
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781984541017

About the Book

After almost dying and being in the ICU for thirty-seven days, ten of them in a coma, fifty days total in the hospital, I started writing a journal. I couldn’t talk well and had to go to speech therapy. I couldn’t walk and went to physical therapy. I couldn’t write and had to retrain myself by writing in my journal. My muscles in my body felt useless, and I had to start over. I was determined to get back 100 percent especially after I found out that the doctors wanted to pull the plug on me several times. As I started writing, I couldn’t read a word, but I kept at it, determined to win my battle. I practiced over and over to get better. I started to write down what was in my heart. It was a way to recuperate. I was supposed to die, but God wanted me to live for some reason. As I wrote in my journals, my experiences stated coming out as poems. I started sharing my poems to hurting people. Many doors opened as I shared my experiences. I hope you will enjoy my healing adventure through my poetry.

About the Author

Butch Dias has gone through much adversity in his life. Here he is recuperating from “Parrot Fever”, the “Swine Flu”, double Pneumonia, a blood clot in each lung, one in his leg, and internal bleeding. The doctors wanted to have his family pull the plug 3-4 times, because his outlook looked dim. Never give up, never quit, & never give in. This was a picture of Butch during his recovery. He is now out of his wheelchair, his walker, his cane and off all oxygen doing good. He is 100% healed. His road to recovery was one miracle after another. Hope you take time to read his aspiring journey of his life through his poetry. During his recovery he started to write a journal. In his journal Butch noticed that some of his writing came out in poems. Each of his poems represents something that he went through on his way to recovery. Through adversity, Butch started writing and helping people go through tough times. Writing helped Butch heal and get stronger spiritually. As you read his book let his inspiration touch your life. If it wasn’t for this time of adversity Butch may have never written. Sometimes going through tough times brings out the good in us. Please take time to read this poetic account of the life of Butch Dias.