Gangsters of Virtue

The Wise Sorrowful Hearts

by Steven Leroy Jackson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/9/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 279
ISBN : 9781441579218
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 279
ISBN : 9781477180662
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 279
ISBN : 9781441579225

About the Book

Gangsters of Virtue/ The Wise Sorrowful Hearts is a true cautionary tale for the youth of this nation and the world.This is the untold story of murder, greed, lust for power and the final family betrayals in a major Washington DC Drug Enterpise in the 1960´s and beyond. The street life during the founding of the Washington DC, Black Mafia by Convicted Heroin Distributor and D.C. Drug Kingpin, Lawrence W. Slippery Jackson. It tells of the Hardships, Accomplishments,sacrifices and punishments associated with drug dealing and family. It explores the Old style Drug Game to the new generation of drug dealers and the relationship between Lawrence , his father and sibling, his extended family, his wife Anna Mae Jackson his eight children and his 500 member Black Mafia Gang. This book tells a untold story of the wife and children living together and thriving in the Southeast Hillcrest area of Washington ,DC. The story is told through the eyes of the youngest boy Steven Leroy Jackson. My father and mothers strength and dignity saved our family. Education and mentoring from The US Army, my extended family and siblings saved me and changed my fate. I received many awards and took part in historical events as a result of what people always said about us. "You come from good stock", after you read my book , you will know why my wonderfully bright sisters and brother deserve all the good things that have happend to us and for us over the last 35 years. God Lives in you too. Little Lawrence , Momma and Dad We will love you forever.

About the Author

Name: Steven L. Jackson Date of Birth: 10/20/ 1966 Place of Birth Washington DC Marital status: I am in love with a wonderful Black woman named Wanda Robinson who will soon be my wife. I graduated from Anacostia Senior High School in 1985 and went in the US Army. I wanted to tell a sad story and maybe convince one person to help stop the next generation of fatherless children in our communities from giving in to crime and ignorance. The drug war and black on black youth violence are hurting our young and I wished that the story of my family could make someone look at the drug issue from another angle. Anyone can become a drug dealer. We need more Doctors, Scientist, Mathematicians and lawyers not drug dealers. GOD BLESSES ALL of you who read my book. This is only the introduction in a series of books I hope to write on the topics I feel could have a positive influence on a child’s development. Please young people please, No more killing each other. This book is dedicated to Anna Mae Jackson, Lawrence W. Jackson Sir, and Jr., Special thanks to my loving and supportive siblings for contributions to the material and funding for the book. Special thanks to Saint John’s Baptist Church for historical contributions and photos “I’m coming along with the help of the Lord". My sincere thanks to Miss Green Jeans.