Mirror Images and Keys of Connection

by Barbara V. Jackson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/11/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 30
ISBN : 9781465366245

About the Book

Mirror Images and Keys of Connection have been written from the heart by Barbara V Steele, it is an account of several years investigation into certain synchronicities- namely – the Pleiades. If you are looking for a light interesting read and want to be taken back in time, or even if you just have an interest in Astronomy, Sacred Sites, Mythology and Egypt then this could be a book for you. A truly thought provoking read and insight into possible connections that I have been able to piece together and my love of the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti.

About the Author

Barbara was born in Birkenhead, Wirral Merseyside England. She comes from a large family and is the second eldest of 6 children. Barbara herself has 2 grown up children and 4 grandchildren. Barbara had been involved with the NHS for many years working in the maternity wing of a large trust for over 20 years, before changing whole life direction and training to be a fully qualified Beauty and Holistic Therapist. She now lives with her partner, Nick, in a beautiful part of North Wales, near Wrexham, in an idyllic riverside setting on the River Clywedog. It’s here that Barbara now runs her very own Retreat Centre from within her home and people from all walks of life come to relax and be pampered. Her business is called Alexandria Connections TM ‘Your Haven For Relaxation’.