Springtime in Autumn

by John Chuchman



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 16/04/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 264
ISBN : 9780738847689

About the Book

Springtime in Autumn is a collection of poems about one man’s spiritual journey–or is it?  Many who have read the poetry of retired Ford Executive and now Pastoral Bereavement Counselor John Chuchman have exclaimed that it is reflective of their own journeys.

John’s poetry is indeed very personal and very revealing and yet reflects his belief that what is deepest in us, what is most personal is the most universal.  The poetry of Springtime in Autumn chronicles some of John’s self-discovery and expresses his yearning, his thirst, his need to learn more.  Perhaps it expresses the hunger and thirst of many of us.

The poems have a strong Christian orientation given John’s background, but his quest has universal ecumenical appeal.  Perhaps we are all on the same journey, the same quest, each taking a different path.

Springtime in Autumn spurns boundaries in search of horizons, takes comfort in uncertainty, and raises more questions than answers, questions that we all may need to answer.

John believes that in the sharing of what is deepest and most personal, we truly connect with one another (and perhaps with all of humanity, and even with God.)With Springtime in Autumn, you will connect with John Chuchman.

About the Author

John Chuchman, a successful Ford executive (1959-1992), resisted the call to use his experiences and skills to launch a consulting practice upon retirement. Instead, John responded to the call to use his God-given gifts to help others. He had spent enough of his life in pursuit of success and it was time to share his gifts. Through Hospice, he began helping men work through grief associated with the deaths of their wives. He facilitated support groups for those living with cancer and for those grieving losses of all kinds. John also helps train new Hospice volunteers. John has been certified as a Pastoral Bereavement Counselor and also awarded a Certificate in Spirituality. In May, 2000, he was awarded a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministries from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. In order to help grievers, caregivers, and anyone on a spiritual quest, John shares his story, experiences, and wisdom discoveries in workshops, seminars, retreats, and poetry.