Reconceiving My Body

Take Two, from the Heart




Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 8/05/2000

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9780738818207
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9780738818214

About the Book

Reconceiving My Body: Take Two, from the Heart, is the first volume of a multi-part, multi-genre series I have planned to develop the more general theme, Reconceiving Our Bodies.  I decided I needed to "walk the talk" before inviting anyone to join me.  The idea that we can actually grow new bodies by shifting the way that we conceive of our bodies and ourselves is one over which I have thought for a long time.  But thinking about it only got me outlines on paper.  The real thing has come for me from the heart, feeling my way into new and more pleasurable ways of being in the world as a whole person, embodied.  The first volume is a bit of a romp.  In it, I invite my readers to laugh with me over the silliness and pathos of my own life in order to provide an accessible and compelling backdrop for exploring the overarching theme of the book.  No one is spared, least of all me.  I figure that if I just go ahead and offend everyone, it will make the class-action suit that much more lucrative.  I certainly had fun writing this book, and sincerely hope you enjoy reading it for your own sake as well.

About the Author

Gil Hedley, Ph.D., is the president of Somanautics Workshops, Inc., a company which provides management services and continuing education opportunities for alternative and allied health care professionals nationwide. In workshops he has developed, participants delve into the deeper nature of our human form and its wonders as "somanauts," intrepid voyagers dedicated to exploring "inner space." Surf to for details on specific offerings and related matters. Gil is also the founder of The Creative Research Institute and Learning Center, LLC, located in the Colorado foothills. This Institute has been formed to foster the healing of person and planet through the cooperation of human intent with the intelligence of nature and the divine life within us all. Gil makes his home on the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains of Colorado with his beloved wife and rapidly growing children.