Dearest Darling Wife...Just a Few Lines To Let You Know I Am Okay

by Louise Weible



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/07/2004

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 333
ISBN : 9781469112077
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 333
ISBN : 9781413452464
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 333
ISBN : 9781413452457

About the Book

Louise Weible is married to her husband, Larry. They have three children, Larry Jr., Timothy Wade, and Laura Louise. While a stay-at-home mother, when the children were young, she took a writing course with only a glimmer of where it might lead to. Later as a real estate agent, she found good fun in writing her own advertisements for the newspaper ads. Upon joining the Writers Group, a dormant dream began to emerge. With the group’s encouragement she began to write a column for a local newspaper. And finally, at long last, she began a long dreamed of project that told of her mother and father’s meeting, courtship and marriage during W.W.II; most of which is portrayed through these letters from 1941 until 1945. It is written from Dad’s letters that he sent home and which Mom stored away with great care. It is a story of ordinary people with human frailties and strengths and some humor; longing and striving for what they believe will be an extraordinary life together when the war is over. She hopes you enjoy the reading of these letters as much as she did when she recorded them for her widowed mother’s re-enjoyment but whose eyesight was failing. Her mother gave Louise the letters, knowing how much she had always treasured them and would keep them safe and intact. She transcribed these letters in this book with her mother’s permission and blessing; “as long as it was done honorably.” She never once, upon reading these letters, read one that was not honorable. They depict the man, as he was…a loving, kind and gentle man who made promises. He kept those promises. He was our hero. He still is.

About the Author

About the Author: Louise Weible is married to her husband, Larry. They have three children, Larry Jr., Timothy Wade, and Laura Louise. While a stay-at-home mother, when the children were young, she took a writing course with only a glimmer of where it might lead to. Later as a real estate agent, she found good fun in writing her own advertisements for the newspaper ads. Upon joining the Writers Group, a dormant dream began to emerge. With the group’s encouragement she began to write a column for a local newspaper. And finally, at long last, she began a long dreamed of project that told of her mother and father’s meeting, courtship and marriage during W.W.II; most of which is portrayed through these letters from 1941 until 1945. It is written from Dad’s letters that he sent home and which Mom stored away with great care. It is a story of ordinary people with human frailties and strengths and some humor; longing and striving for what they believe will be an extraordinary life together when the war is over. She hopes you enjoy the reading of these letters as much as she did when she recorded them for her widowed mother’s re-enjoyment but whose eyesight was failing. Her mother gave Louise the letters, knowing how much she had always treasured them and would keep them safe and intact. She transcribed these letters in this book with her mother’s permission and blessing; “as long as it was done honorably.” She never once, upon reading these letters, read one that was not honorable. They depict the man, as he was…a loving, kind and gentle man who made promises. He kept those promises. He was our hero. He still is.