

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/07/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 86
ISBN : 9781483632520
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 86
ISBN : 9781483632513

About the Book

NA NA reveal to the readers the fragility of the human mind, when given an abundance of negative input. We perceive and form our very being to be what has been digested into our mental realm. We eventually bring it all to focus and act the part. You would have concluded that being fortunate enough to have been born into a stable, loving and caring family a child would have escaped the harsh and downward plunge taken by NA NA. Throughout the story we were brought into the mental conclusions carried on in her mind. Just picture an artist as he/she uses a paint brush one stroke at a time to complete a picture on a canvas. So was the negative words stroked into her developing mind one at a time until the portrait was completed.

About the Author

B.A. Pinkney is a retired federal employee and reside in Baltimore, Md. She has always had a passion for reading and writing. She won her first writing contest while an employee of the Veterans Administration, Baltimore, Md. The essay was entitled “What it means to be a Black Woman living in America.” In 2011 her short story was one of four chosen out of over a thousand entries to be published in a local magazine called “The Urbanite.” This is her first fiction novel and has written a children’s book called “NAYA AND THE MAGIC WHITE HAT.”