Waggles at Bat

Waggles’ Adventures

by Veronica~Viqluna



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/10/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781493169603
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781493169597

About the Book

Waggles at Bat a cute dog living in the New England area obedient to his master, who he calls best friend. Waggles is an adventurous dog, who like most of us has dreams. "Am I dreaming?" said Waggles. Inspired by his best friend, who talks his dog's ears off about baseball. The unexpected ball on the baseball field. A magical dreamy story for motivating young aspiring athletes for the love of baseball.

About the Author

Meet the author Veronica-Viqluna, raised in Boston Massachussetts who she calls home. Talking is her favorite sport, and writing is a way of talking on paper. This is her first published book in hopes to inspire boys and girls the fundamentals of baseball in a fun, loving, caring way. She is a day dreamer who never stops believing in hopes and dreams in whatever you set out to do in life even the smallest things. A baseball player herself at a young age as captain of the varsity softball team being the short-stop and who also played at First base. An addition, playing baseball even as she reached adulthood became her priority once again coming in at second place runner up with the Young Lawyers of Association in the corporate world employed at a well known nationwide firm. A baseball lover herself welcomes the world a field of dreams. Veronica-Viqluna now resides in the sunny, sandy waters and lovely palm trees of South Florida.