Diabetic Health Care

Building Good Living Habits

by Judy Chen



Book Details

Language : Other
Publication Date : 5/03/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 484
ISBN : 9781493171989
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 484
ISBN : 9781493171958
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 484
ISBN : 9781493171965

About the Book

Diabetes is a kind of global disease. China holds one third of diabetics in the whole world, and America has 11 percent diabetic in the whole population. Diabetic patients die every seven seconds, and each year has 4,600 die in the world. Canada only has thirty-four million population but holds nine million diabetics and potential diabetics.

Diabetes is not horrible, but it brings various complications that are horrible, such as heart trouble, hurt liver and kidney, nerver feet, and blindness. A diabetic’s life quality is very bad; some patients want to die sooner than live painfully.

The author has been a diabetic for eighteen years; she never gave up helping herself to overcome the disease. She got many experiences of curing diabetes from her own life, thus she wants to share her success to help more diabetics.

This book forms a new angle to explain and expound how to use efficacious ways to cure diabetes; it is different from other books of diabetes. For leading people to know their bodies better, she introduces much medical and health-care knowledge in the book.

In the book she emphasizes that clearing dampness and poison, enriching the qi blood and fluid, balancing yin and yang of the body, and developing immunity from disease are very important ways for diabetic adjunctive therapy, apart from diet and exercise, medication channel points, and massage therapy.

The human body needs seven kinds of essential nutrients, such as water, protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, mineral substances, and cellulose. She follows the science faithfully, keeping the normal equilibrium between acids and alkalies in the body, building good living habits, and making good health.

She makes good friends with diabetes, does everything for its likes. She thanks diabetes as a firm master to lead her to enjoy life day by day. As if to repay her kindness to diabetes, she feels health has come back to her again.

About the Author
