Web of Lies

by Richard Whelan



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 29/11/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 300
ISBN : 9781401030520

About the Book

Web of Lies is a light satire on the moral fabric of our times, a fabric that is a Web of Lies. As a building manager, Bob Tushman helps police unravel rumors of on-going prostitution within his apartment complex. Bob meets lovely (and voluptuous) Kris Mann. Bob, a published novelist tutors Kris in creative writing. As his lessons progress, Bob meets his match in young Kris. Bob’s investigations, with Kris’s help, thwart his boss’s evil plot to murder his boss’s wife. His investigations reach a happy conclusion as Kris overwhelms him, pledging everlasting and profligate love.

About the Author

I am the author of Smart Highways, Smart Cars, Artech House, 1995. I hold a B.S. in Physics, MIT; M.A. in Philosophy. Boston University. Worked in industry, writing proposals and doing market planning. Subsequently an independent consultant and writer for over 15 years. I wrote 50 market research reports (Frost & Sullivan, NY) averaging over 250 pages each, involving: advance technology, satellites, fiber optics, artificial intelligence, etc. My qualifications for addressing the moral fabric of our times? I have survived three marriages, two divorces, four children and still see the future with a smile on my face.