When The Thunder Roars… Will You Choose Victory or Defeat?

Will You Choose Victory or Defeat?

by Kimberly Smith Fleming



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/07/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 53
ISBN : 9781465337252

About the Book

About the Author

For many years now, people have encouraged me to write a book based on my personal testimony and the victorious outcome achieved through Jesus Christ. I feel compelled to inform my readers that every one of my trials elevated me to another level in Christ. I have learned that God allows occurrences of difficulty to stretch our endurance in turbulent times. Therefore, I’ve learned to dig my heels into the grass and press forward because when you feel the greatest pressure, your victory is about to manifest. Through it all, I was determined to be a fighter and not a fainter. I dislike defeat and therefore, I had to be a victor and not a victim. I realize that God has armed me with strength for every battle… His Word!!! Therefore, my prayer and goal is that everyone knows that God is able and willing to restore them in every aspect of their life. He’s waiting on you!!!