More Lives Than a Cat

Medical Miracles of a Mystic

by Kathryn M. Hilton



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 18/11/2002

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781462802845
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781401077969

About the Book

Mystical experiences and spiritual healings are not strange to the author, having their beginning in her life as a child. Temporary blindness at 5, in a building explosion at 10, completely paralyzed at 14, among other things. She survived it all and recovered. Her growing up years were filled with enough medical marvels of mysticism and spiritual healing to last a person for a lifetime.

The miracles and spiritual healings did not stop with adulthood. She wasn't quite 20 when she faced death again, having Diphtheria and being allergic to the serum. The doctor said it would be a miracle if she lived until morning. She knew she would and she did. Her near-death experiences went beyond the ten mark even before she was struck by lightning and had colon cancer.

This is a factual reporting of the mystical and spiritual experiences connected with her strange medical history. Where known, explanations have been given of her understanding about what occurred and why it happened the way it did. Mystical experiences are natural occurences to her, a way of life since a child. Her medical history is inspiring, showing some of what the human system is capable of. She is living proof that spiritual help and healing is always available.

About the Author

SHORT BIOGRAPHY A mystic, Kathryn Hilton has an unique background. Graduating from the New York School of Writing, she has won two writing awards and her free lance articles have been nationally published since high school. Also receiving training at the Art League of Los Angeles, she not only does serious paintings, but likes to do humorous ones as well. Painting old barns is something she really enjoys. Her life experiences and ESP talents have led her into both prophetic Dream Analysis and the Metaphysical ministry. Traveling is a great love. She crisscrossed the country often between her homes in Los Angeles and the hills of South Carolina where she now lives permanently. A survivor, having had so many spiritual healings she calls herself a walking medical miracle. Yet her nature has its joyful and silly sides, often expressed in composing song parodies.