Coach the Kid, Build the Boy, Mold the Man

The Legacy of Run and Shoot Football

by Carolyn J. Ellison



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/07/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781425780272
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781469100692
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781425780562

About the Book

When football coach Tiger Ellison was faced with his first losing season ever, he had to muster all the creative will he had acquired since childhood to turn the season around. In doing so, he invented the most wide-open, productive, fan-pleasing scheme of aerial football the game had ever seen! He shared his philosophy with the coaching world in 1965, by writing a book called Run and Shoot Football: Offense of the Future. His dramatic offense changed the way football has been played ever since, all the way from the Little Leagues to the NFL.

But this story transcends football, taking place during the social turbulence of the 20th Century. As educator and coach, Tiger dedicated his life to tapping into the fighting spirit of each of his youngsters, regardless of race, creed, or social status. He challenged each to build the character, confidence and courage to pursue a noble cause, in the classroom, on the gridiron of American football, and in life. It is a poignant reminder of the power each of us has within us to become a real winner.

“Tiger Ellison had a passion for life, country and sport that were absolutely contagious for those around him. When you read his story, you may laugh a little, you may learn some things about football strategy, but I am certain you will love Tiger as we players did and see why his positive philosophy of life influenced all of us in a very special way.” Dr. Rex Kern, President, MSB Financial, United Midwest Savings Bank; 1968 Buckeye National Championship Quarterback and 1969 Rose Bowl MVP; Member of The Rose Bowl Hall of Fame

“This is one football story that is not about power and money, rather a powerful and creative mind that left its imprint forever on players, coaches, and modern offensive football. At a time when football has become big business, Tiger’s philosophy will remind us all why we love the game, what we can learn from it, and who we can become by it.” Earle Bruce, Former Head Football Coach, The Ohio State University

“A real masterpiece! Every teacher, coach and mother’s son should have and use this material.” Rocko Joslin, Retired Director of Operations, Armco Inc., Ashland, Kentucky; Former Captain, Ohio State Buckeyes, 1953


About the Author

Carolyn J. Ellison, youngest daughter of Tiger Ellison, graduated from Ohio State University with a math major, and spent a 30-year corporate and consulting career in information technology, strategic business planning, and organizational development. She always passed Tiger’s philosophy on to those who worked for her, urging them to get off the sidelines and into the game, because there was never any substitute for performance. “You can spend your days analyzing the politics of it all, but the best way to succeed in anything you do is to simply ‘Hit ‘em where it hurts! On the scoreboard, baby!’” Carolyn and her husband are retired and living in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania.