A Ray of Hope

"There is a Light at the End of the Tunnel"

by Shirl Comick



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/10/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 87
ISBN : 9781436377805
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 87
ISBN : 9781469105123

About the Book

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About the Author

About the Author Reverend Shirl Comick resides in Allentown, Pennsylvania with her husband, Reverend Michael Comick. They are the proud parents of two children and eight grandchildren. She is a born-again believer and minister of the Gospel. She has dedicated the past 21 years of her life ministering to the prisoners, the oppressed, the outcast and the downtrodden. Reverend Comick is the founder of the Afro-American Community Project and pastors Extreme Youth Inc. Understanding that God will not waste one moment of her life, she is always looking for ways to give hope through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Shirl is a conference speaker and organizer, a motivational speaker, a certified Biblical Counselor and Teacher. She has an Associate Degree in Business, a Diploma in Bridal Consultation and a Bachelor's Degree in Pastoral Ministry. She is the former Dean of Women and an Instructor at Youth Challenge International Bible Institute and is presently studying for her Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education. Reverend Shirl Comick has recently released her first published book, A Ray of Hope "There is a Light at the End of the Tunnel" and her second book, The Cry of A Woman's Heart Her upcoming books are: Stranger at LA's The Heart of Man Second Chance - A Weekly Devotional Spiritual Discipline - A Teacher's Manual and Workbook I Never Thought I Could Feel This Bad (Grief) MIT - Ministers in Training Release dates to be announced For more information about the author go to www.awomansheart.info or www.allaboutshirl.info