What am I saying, when I am praying The Lord's Prayer?

by Margaret Fowler



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 20/09/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781453576250

About the Book

Margaret has loved drawing and painting since she was 3 years old! Since age 8, when she asked Jesus to be her Lord, she has been writing poems, songs and stories about God's creation and His powerful love. Born in 1962, she grew up in Fullerton, California, until 1982 when she left home to gain a BA in Fine Arts at Whitworth College in Spokane, Washington. She then journeyed across the States to earn an MA in Art Therapy at Vermont College in Montpelier, Vermont. After taking on different studies and jobs in Colorado, Minnesota, Oregon and Texas, Margaret returned to California in 1990, with a variety of living adventures recorded in journals and art. In 1995, brain cancer altered her view of life and has deepened her desire to share God's realness, with others any way she can. Giving art lessons to all ages, doing and selling art in various medias, and making animal noises for crying children in grocery stores are all a part of Margaret's life as she lives with and cares for her parents in the house she grew up in.

About the Author

Margaret has loved drawing and painting since she was 3 years old! Since age 8, when she asked Jesus to be her Lord, she has been writing poems, songs and stories about God's creation and His powerful love. Born in 1962, she grew up in Fullerton, California, until 1982 when she left home to gain a BA in Fine Arts at Whitworth College in Spokane, Washington. She then journeyed across the States to earn an MA in Art Therapy at Vermont College in Montpelier, Vermont. After taking on different studies and jobs in Colorado, Minnesota, Oregon and Texas, Margaret returned to California in 1990, with a variety of living adventures recorded in journals and art. In 1995, brain cancer altered her view of life and has deepened her desire to share God's realness, with others any way she can. Giving art lessons to all ages, doing and selling art in various medias, and making animal noises for crying children in grocery stores are all a part of Margaret's life as she lives with and cares for her parents in the house she grew up in.