Keep'n It Poetically Lyrikal

A Fresh Breath of Poetry

by Kimberly Williams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/11/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 125
ISBN : 9781456814328
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 125
ISBN : 9781456814311

About the Book

My book is about how my ancestors freed me from a life style I was too caught up in, and prison set me free mentally. While my ancestors, were sending me messages using me for a vehicle to carry this message of love to my future generation my folk poetry, and what the corruption of drugs do to you if you keep on going down that road, with a mixer of hip hop, poetry and soul music taking you in many elements of bringing out my inner being, and the mental effects what had on my brain yet I still didn’t give up hope to write this book even with a disability I kept my eyes on the prizes focusing and the truth and if I can do it you can too. Sending out my blessing to all who get the message...and this is not the last of me. Justice just began with me.

About the Author

Hello, my name is Kimberly Williams. I love writing poetry and turning them into books, I have a unique style on expressing my music in me. My goal is to aim out to all those people who want to change and don't know how because of the fear they might not succeed in success. My passion is all in writing, inspiring a nation. And it doesn't stop I was inspired looking at the women of hope and how brilliant their light shined, made me want to write books in me given birth to the world, my next book will be called, "Reform-Ability is my Mission" mending back a broken heart coming soon. It's a fantasy love story of two people in love making music in love. Also I'm K-love in the journal, kiwi music the poet and Kimberly Williams the Author and the ancestor in the rain. The music is my heart beat and my love is for all to feel. Thank you!