The Greedies

by Judy Kampia



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/12/2005

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781477176450
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781599268484

About the Book

For over twenty years, children have enjoyed this tale of antics by the children in the Greedy family. While Needy Greedy whines, Speedy always wants to be first, Feedy wants the most, and Indeed Greedy wants to best and biggest, little Not Greedy waits patiently and politely. Follow the Greedies around for a day and see the humorous situations they get themselves into as well as the opportunities they miss as the result of bad manners. Also learn the rewards gained by Not Greedy as she exersizes throughtfuness and good manners.

About the Author

AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY Judy Drebes Kampia has been sharing Bible stories with children since age thirteen as a VBS aide in Englewood, Colorado, She graduated from Concordia University, River Forest, Illinois, with in Religious Education. In 1970 she married Rev. Rudy Kampia. Judy has taught in rural, suburban and inner-city Christian schools in eight states. She has shared Bible messages with children ages three to fourteen at camps, retreats, Sunday School, VBS, week-day school, and at home with her children and grandchildren. Judy has also written Christian Day School, Sunday School and VBS Materials, published by Concordia and by Augsburg Publishing Houses. Judy began God’s Great Book after seeing the need for a complete and flexible Bible Story and activity book that could be used with multi-age groups of various sizes. Fellow parents and educators agreed, and have used the unpublished version for home, school, VBS and individual reading.