Staying Young for Life

by Peter Schwarz



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 9/10/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 145
ISBN : 9781425752941

About the Book

This book is a collection of experiences, ideas and philosophies Peter observed in his 89 years. These philosophies benefit every human, regardless of age. Every human dreads getting old, fears death, dreads an unknown and uncertain future.

It is a unique book because many of the topics discussed are illustrated by episodes from Peter’s Life. It is a very upbeat book and will make you feel great as well as change your life for the better. It will increase your self confidence and eliminate useless worries. Moreover, it is an amusing read.

This book is an ideal gift for a young student, an elderly friend, your parents or your grand children. The topics discussed are our basic human emotions and will tell you how to manage them to your benefit. It is never too late to make changes for the better but the earlier you start, the longer the benefits will last. In short, call it a down to earth and very useful common sense advice.

About the Author

Peter Schwarz was born in 1918. He lived and studied in Vienna. After graduation he traveled extensively. After the war he returned to Vienna but left soon after for Rome and later London. He came to Canada in 1952 and tried his luck on a variety of different occupations. In 1977 he bought a travel agency which he successfully led for 24 years. Five years ago he lost most of his eyesight but is still an active consultant and goes to the office as usual. and decided to write this book to pass along many useful experiences that will help and benefit many people.