The Top Kick's Prayer

by James F. Henline Sr.



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 29/05/2008

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 51
ISBN : 9781450046572
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 51
ISBN : 9781436324137
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 51
ISBN : 9781436316477

About the Book

“A Wish For Peace, Our Symbol of Freedom and May God Be With You are three of my Favorite poems that I have written . I have given away hundreds of them to friends and organizations over the years. Although they are not part of the Top Kick’s Prayer and were written many years later I thought they would go well with this books overall appeal. I also just wanted to share them as I wish to do with all my work.” ______________________________________________________________________________ James hopes to publish several more books over the next couple of years ,but that future depends on the sales of this book to finance their production. Here is a look at some of the titles: A Mountain Man’s Views : A collection of short stories and poems on a extremely wide variety of subjects spanning 6 decades. Probably a 4 part series or more. The Patient Patient : A collection of humorous poems about Doctors ,Nurses and Mr. Henlines experiences as a patient for numerous surgeries and ailments. The Ooh-Wow-E Birds of Fiji : A Fiction story about a rare sea faring bird that is seldom seen because of its ability to disappear into thin air when aware of danger. This is the story of their being discovered and studied. A two part story, as there is a return mission to the island where these ancient mystical birds dwell. The Elusive Thesis : A Fiction story about a grad student going on a wild boar hunt in the mountains of Tennessee that he won in a contest. How he met and lived with the mountain people and fell in love with their lifestyle. Extremely funny !!! All mountain peoples dialogue written in early 1900's Hillbilly language. Lukey’s Lunkers : A collection of short stories and poems about Mr. Henlines main love in life, fishing. Lukey is a fictitious name for a young lad that fished with him for many years and had much fun doing it. Hunting Tails : Included in this book is The Deer Hunt, The Bear Hunt, stories about hunting the virgin forest of West Virginia in the early 1930s. Also included are poems and stories about coon hunting and hunting the elusive Ding Maw . Christmas Holiday : A collection of seasonal poems written over a period of 40 years, good for kids ages 5 to 100. Also this book has 6 original works of art by Guy Roberts that are beautiful color scenes. We hope to offer Christmas cards made from the content of the book.

About the Author

James F. Henline was born in Arcola ,West Virginia on November 8,1918. He is a Veteran of WW ll and Korea. He served in the U.S. Army For 22 ½ years. He has been writing since his childhood. He has had many items published in newspapers and magazines. This is his first published work, hopefully followed by 12 or more books on a variety of subjects. James resides in Kingwood , WV and still writes every day at the age of 89.