An Apostolic Prayer

by Robert A. Pascoe



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/03/2008

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 245
ISBN : 9781462864942
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 245
ISBN : 9781465325914
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 245
ISBN : 9781462864935

About the Book

To be able to understand the fullness of a spiritual revelation received by someone, it is essential that we know something about the recipient and the need that required the Holy Spirit to release eternal information that would evoke empowerment and unlock a kingdom mystery. Paul was a man called by God; however, before God openly challenged that call, Paul’s relationship with the Lord was one of the mind. Saul of Tarsus was a diligent and persistent man of the church who believed that he was doing the will of God by hunting down Christians and bringing them into captivity. It is obvious that through his diligent efforts and the tenacity in which he pursued his convictions that he was a sincere threat to the true plan of God, which had been administered to the disciples. Paul was not demonically driven; he was deceived by the words of those he revered in the church and by his social environment. We can see; however, that he was a man of intense thought and dedication. This was revealed to us when he perceived that he was sent by God as a messenger to remove heretics in the church. Paul goes to the church with his plan, his vision, and for permission to pursue and eliminate the message of Christianity by imprisoning those who propagated or followed this false teaching. After receiving the blessing and validation of his plan by the church, Paul aggressively formed a plan to accomplish his mission. He knew those professing Christianity were not known to be violent. He knew they were known as a people of peace and would not resist if they were to be arrested. So he assembled a team of handpicked individuals who wanted to assist in achieving this goal either by their delegated authority from church and state or by force. We know that it was Paul’s intention to arrest and bring the accused to a public trial without excessive violence; unfortunately, there were those with him who did not share this view. We learn this as we see the stoning of Stephen in Acts 7:58, and Saul does nothing to stop it. Acts 8:1 tells us that Saul was consenting or in agreement of his death. The word “consenting” in the Greek (suneudokeo) also meant that he was pleased. This act of murder launches a great persecution on the church. The assault goes from the street to the home and they begin to enter into every house, dragging off to prison any who believed or confessed Christianity. This was the turning point of his original plan; we now see his deception being demonically enhanced. There are no more rules, and his act of civil or warped spiritual duty turned to anger and rage. We see this clearly in Acts 9:1. “And Saul, yet breathing out threatening and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest.” The Greek word for “slaughter” is phonos, which means murder or death. Saul went to the high priest, who is the chief priest or that of the highest order of the church, to gain further support by having him document in writing his validation of his quest. Words can be appealed and restated; however, once something is in writing, it becomes the written word and enforceable to its letter. Saul now took the written word from the highest order of the church to pursue and eliminate the living Word, an impossible task that he would soon realize. Just as it is today, be assured that word traveled fast. There was already a spread of fear and even the disciples were afraid of Saul after his conversion. See Acts 9:26. Now Paul retained and possessed letters of permission from the highest order to arrest or kill those professing Christ. The letters may have only contained the right to imprison the followers of Christ; however, the church and the high priests knew of Saul’s havocs and threats of slaughter to those of the Christian faith. They had supported the crucifixion and the death or slaughter of Jesus (Isaiah 53:7 and Acts 8:32). “He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He opened not his mouth.

About the Author

Pastor Robert has two ordinations, an International license with I.C.F.G. and 30 years of ministry experience. Robert and his wife Patricia held four pastoral positions in California and an outreach ministry to Europe and Africa. However, earlier in life, Robert chose a worldly lifestyle, which at 17 years old resulted in a prison sentence. While incarcerated, Robert received a visit from Pastor Billy Adams a mighty man of God. They prayed together and the presence of God filled the prison hallway. That night Robert had a visitation from the Lord. The Apostolic Prayer is part of what God showed him.