The Truth about Tithes and Tithing

What your Pastor knows and now so will you

by Cary Muata Nkosi



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 12/06/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 53
ISBN : 9781436323499

About the Book

What if you could enter a church and seated before you were Ministers, Pastors and Bishops all ready to discuss and defend why they teach Believers to pay tithes OPPOSED by Ministers, Pastors and Bishops who equally teach Believers that they should NEVER participate in tithing? What could be more rewarding for a Christian than hearing from Ministers on both sides of any topic discussing and defending their position? Well, that event did happen and "The Truth About Tithes and Tithing" is drawn from that very discussion. This book is a written account of the statements made by both sides discussing the topic of Tithing. There were four local Pastors who spoke on the behalf of tithing. All four Pastors require tithing in their home churches. These four men had heard of Brother Muata´s teachings from some of their members and it was the Pastors who requested this debate. Brother Muata teaches Believers everywhere that tithing is a SIN and that they must stop paying tithes IMMEDIATELY! This book will resurrect that debate for the reader. It does not include every word spoken at the event. That debate lasted over four hours. What we have provided here is a snapshot of what we think were the most important statements made by both sides on the subject of tithing. It is written...Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage! Galatians 5:1 Get the Truth and get free... ...............GOD BLESS!!!..............

About the Author