Do You Hear Me? Are You Listening?

A Guide to Listening Prayer

by Heidi S. Rogers



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/02/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 85
ISBN : 9781436362382

About the Book

This book is two books bound together as one. The first book, Do You Hear Me? is a guide to listening prayer. The second book, Are You Listening? is a resource guide for lay ministers and ministry professionals. Listening prayer is used to facilitate the hearing of the Father’s voice. In an inner-healing prayer setting, these skills guide the professional in assisting the layperson to hear and receive healing directly from the Father. This unique process allows the participant to go directly to the Father to receive His wisdom and guidance. With the assistance of the facilitator, the participant hears the Father’s personal communication and/or words of comfort to facilitate healing past and present hurts. I believe this book is a powerful tool to assist the layperson in receiving healing directly from God. Who knows better what we need than the Father?

About the Author