The Difference

by Gerry Gialogo Grindulo



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/02/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 385
ISBN : 9781450013598
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 385
ISBN : 9781469113999
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 385
ISBN : 9781450013581

About the Book

In this book, author Gerry Gialogo Grindulo shares a compilation of fiction and non-fiction stories based on what could happen in the real world. Most of these tales and anecdotes are forwarded emails; thus, accreditation can be lost throughout such long chain mails and whatnot. He does not own these works and encourages those who own some of the works to contact him so he can give credit where it is due. He feels that these stories are meant to be shared as they have the potential to change the views of many in the world.

EMAILS Fwd:FW: The Difference is all about making a difference in other peoples’ lives. Discover stories about love, stories about faith, stories about relationships, stories about emotions, moral-filled stories, and other different kind of stories. These have helped shape and form Grindulo’s life. It had changed him in ways that he had never thought words would. And so, he compiles the works of various writers, some known, some unknown, so that there may be a chance that these words may make a difference in the lives of readers as they did to him.

About the Author

To know Gerry is to know his faith, his family, his friends, and his deeds. Gerry believes in one God, the father almighty; Jesus Christ, the Son of God; Virgin Mary, mother of Christ; and the 10 commandments. He also believes in Desiderata and that people should love and respect each other no matter what their religion, belief, color, nation, and orientation is. Gerry’s family is his reason for living. All in the family has great love and concern for each other. His dad left the family with the legacy of unconditional caring. His mom devotes her entire life, all her deeds, and all her thoughts for the welfare of her children. Gerry hopes this kind of love be carried on to the next generations by their children. Still very much in touch with old time school mates and co-workers, his current business associates and clients relate to him as a friend. Valuing education a lot, Gerry pursued a master’s degree in business and licensures in securities, insurance, and real estate brokerage, even after completing his degree and professional licensing in chemical engineering. To make a difference on people's lives, Gerry incorporated The Difference in 1997. His Financial Engineering concept helped clients secure their future today. His business funds his project, Bagong Planeta (New Planet), to empower the Filipino people and increase wealth in the Filipino community. This book, aimed to inspire readers on some aspects of life, serves as a gateway to Gerry’s succeeding books: In Search of the Difference, Little Gears That Make the Difference, and We, the People, Then and Now, as readers are invited to share their own stories. To learn more about Gerry, visit his website