Three Short Stories: Death by Rabbit The Unexpected Selling God
Death by Rabbit, The Unexpected, Selling God
Book Details
About the Book
The stories in Three Short Stories are offshoots of the two novels To Bind Fast and Four People on a Marsh. The three stories are about the further experiences and growth of the two main characters in those novels as they search to make sense of the world in which they find themselves. They never find their universe to be without surprises, sometimes horrendous, and sometimes delightful; but they continually find that universe to be very quiet, perhaps silent, when it comes to values and directions for living. And they wonder if it isn’t more hostile than friendly.
About the Author
The author lives on the Eastern Shore of Maryland with his dog and his books. He also is surrounded by endless water, and countless birds, as well as the boundless other creatures that thrive in that fertile environment.