Conversion From Sin
Evangelism for Honorable Holy Brothers- especially: Baptist, Catholic, Church of Christ, Lutheran, Methodist, Mormon, and Presbyterian; internationally recognized Christian congregations
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About the Book
I have been devoted to the conversion project for decades. Why so long? In 1979, my best buddy was pronounced DOA at an Austin hospital. Sadly, I was the driver in the accident with the eighteen wheeler. I was unconscious there for three months, transferred to rehab at Gonzales and was a patient there for the next two years. The rest of my days have been dedicated to rehab. To my advantage, I met a lady in Gonzales who received her Human Relations degree at North Texas State University - current name University of North Texas. Over a period of years of communications, we fi nally settled down under our common roof in Plano, just a few miles north of Dallas. She's like my in-home Therapist. I fi nally got back to work on the Conversion from Sin project last year. Thanks to the Internet, Xlibris was introduced to me and the book project has progressed to publication in a speedy manner.