The Scriptures

A Gallery Of Poems

by Eric Lamont Norris



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/11/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 46
ISBN : 9781669875925
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 46
ISBN : 9781456804541

About the Book

The Scriptures: A Gallery Of Poems is a collection of works summarizing various events, thoughts and emotions throughout poet, Eric Lamont Norris’ lifetime. These deep and passionate poems range from all different auras including: love, lust, heartbreak, betrayal, intimacy and many others. All imagery within this gallery are all authentic works of art created by Eric Lamont Norris himself which adds a unique visual quality that compliments the passion of the poetry.

About the Author

Eric Lamont Norris was born in Denver, Colorado in September of 1984. He graduated from the University of Colorado with a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts & Art History in 2007. Writing poetry is just one of many mediums that he indulges in. Composing music and creating and selling works of art are also a part of his repertoire. Poetry, music and art are all deep passions of his and he continues on with these mediums in his home in Denver, Colorado.