Poetry from the Side of the Road

Collection of Poetry and Photographic Images

by RK McLean



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/02/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781462820580
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781456865078

About the Book

A small collection of Poetry and Photographic images compiled over the years. To inspire and bring a variety of emotions to the reader. The hope is to bring to life the image of being in the moment as read. Painting with words is the best description.

About the Author

Robert McLean was born in 1961, and grew up in the small community of Hudson Falls, New York. Influenced by his Grandmother, he grew to love reading and experimented with writing at a young age. In the mid seventies his family uprooted and moved to Northern California. A graduate from Piner High School in Santa Rosa, he was already firmly on his journey into adulthood. A father of three and grandfather, he continues to experiment with writing especially Poetry. His work includes in past a few varied articles in print, most recently in 2007, the collaboration of thirty international poets known as the Poetic Knights, their efforts in ‘Every man’, to put in forefront the need for more men’s cancer research. This is the first solo publication by said author. He resides with his wife today amongst the small desert communities of northern Arizona.