Ngoto's Awesome Dreams


by Carl Simon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/10/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781465363664

About the Book

Always a dreamer; born into a family of scholars, storytellers and adventurers, Carl’s passions include art, music and now sharing his vivid dreams and life lessons with children around the world. Driven to teach the young to not be afraid to dream; to encourage them to face their fears and embrace all the wonders of life and of grow ing up.This book is a labor of love and has grown out of his love for his grand children . Those who love him look forward to what comes next. This story contains a piece of his heart and I am proud that he is finally able to share it with parents and other caregivers of our youth. I hope that those who read it and share its wisdom with their young will pass it on for generations to come. V.L. Sharp

About the Author

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