An Eye For Life Poetry

by Megan Lynn



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/04/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781456884369

About the Book

An Eye For Life Poetry book is a collection of poems by Megan Lynn. The book has poems written from when Megan was 13 up until Megan was 23. The poems are lyrical, cynical, and most of all sentimental. Megan Lynn expresses her love, pain, and other feelings for certain situations in life. An Eye For Life Poetry book is just the start of many literary works from Megan Lynn. Megan Lynn has created An Eye For Life Poetry Book in efforts to start her career as an author. Megan´s love for writing is deeply seeded by the experiences in her childhood. Starting with playing school with her mother before actually going to school. Then creating comic books and paper dolls on her own as a youth, to writing everyday in a journal from her father passing, and poetry for every lover in her life. An Eye Poems designed for loved ones, lovers, and fellow poets. Poems about situations such as death, growth, knowledge, and love.

About the Author

Megan was born in Philadelphia, PA, in April 1985, the daughter of Marla Wilmore, hardworking single mother and her husband, Leon Wilmore, deceased. Early on, Megan used to create comic books and paper dolls as a youth. Her love for writing and drawing was deeply seeded by teachings from her mother and others. However, Megan dreamed of being a veterinarian as she ignored her English teacher praising her for her short stories she wrote in high school and other obvious signs indicating that she should be a great writer. “I remember sitting in the El train station wanting to cry, just leaving Calculus class at Temple. I was about 20 and frustrated, it wasn’t that I couldn’t do it, it was the fact that I didn’t want to do it. I remember I didn’t want to be bothered that day, as I sat with my head in my hands, and this man that was sitting next to me slowly he tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around with a mean annoyed face and he said “cheer up whatever you decide to do I bet one day I’ll see your face in this paper for great things!” As he waved this dirty newspaper in my face. This was one of my moments when I knew God existed, as a tear rolled down my cheek I got up and caught the train, whispering “thanks”. I also decided to be a writer that day.” Megan was raised in a Christian household with her mother, grandmother, and 3 siblings. She danced in ballet as a young girl and played the piano for six years. She was always attracted to all different genres of music and developed a love for poetry as an adolescent. Megan has worked with children for the past ten years in many organizations such as MELC, Girl Scouts, The School District of Philadelphia, and The National Guard/Ameri-corps programs. She plans on having her own recreational center with after-school programs and Saturday school for under privileged youth one day. It’s nothing left to say except its time, as experiences in Megan’s life have become far more important than to just jot down in a journal. Wilmore strives to be one of America’s best selling authors in the world. An Eye For Life Poetry Book is the start of many projects to come from Megan Wilmore. There will be “Wilmore’s” guides, realistic fiction novels, children short stories, and more poetry. This book is the seed being planted to grow and adapt in a world where its audience will become the water and sunlight that Megan Wilmore needs for it to bloom into a flower. Thank you for your listening ear, your interest in my work is humbly appreciated. Megan Lynn Wilmore