A Better Me

by Amy L. Deanes-Henley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/08/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781477155004

About the Book

Amy was born in West Point, MS on February 5, 1977, to Shelton and Frances Deanes. Raised in a large family with four sisters and three brothers, she is next to the oldest child. She began writing at an early age. Her first writings were raps, because of her desire to become a rapper and a singer. Growing up as a teenager, she was very sheltered with many limitations on her coming and goings, this frustrated her and led her to write many short stories. Amy is married to Wayne Henley and they have two beautiful children that’s Treasure and Atiya. Now she writes children stories, inspirational/religious stories and Adult stories. Her writings no matter which genre can be seen and felt through each line.

About the Author

Amy was born in West Point, MS on February 5, 1977, to Shelton and Frances Deanes. Raised in a large family with four sisters and three brothers, she is next to the oldest child. She began writing at an early age. Her first writings were raps, because of her desire to become a rapper and a singer. Growing up as a teenager, she was very sheltered with many limitations on her coming and goings, this frustrated her and led her to write many short stories. Later, after graduation she went to a community college, where she became pregnant during her first semester. Eight months into her pregnancy she met her husband, Charles “Wayne” Henley and later had a wonderful son, Treasure “Playa” Stegall. She now writes children stories, inspirational/religious stories and Adult “erotic” stories. Her writings no matter which genre can be seen and felt through each line.