Penelope's Loom
Book Details
About the Book
This book contains poems devoted to the task of “turning matter into spirit” (Louise Nevelson). They explore the many avenues in which such alchemy takes place. Through art, sculpture, photography, science, nature and other modes, magical transformation can occur, and poetry itself becomes
the alchemical vessel revealing these many approaches by which the mundane rises to the level of the transcendent.
Her earlier books were clearly marked as inspired by Rumi and other writers from the ancient spiritual tradition, both in subject and style. These poems, though not so obviously “spiritual” in nature, reach out to include the many contemporary realms in which the sacred and secular fuse, divine and human merge, and the whole becomes one dazzling vision of that we call “reality.”
Praise for Dorothy’s writing: “Dorothy’s words are like radiant sparks emerging from the darkness, birthed by the womb of the universe Herself, and always pointing back to their Source.” (Lawrence Edwards, Ph. D., author, “The Soul’s Journey” and “Awakening Kundalini.”)
About the Author
Dorothy Walters once looked at us, a small circle of women, straight in the face, smile glowing and declared, ‘My dearests, the Beloved is real, not some archetype of the imagination,’ or words to that effect. Her tender and fi erce poetry affi rms this reality on every page. To read “The Ley Lines of the Soul” is to see her smile and to trust without doubt the truth of those words. Regina Sara Ryan, author, “The Woman Awake: Feminine Wisdom for Spiritual Life,” and “Igniting the Inner Life.”