Seasons of Faith; Religious and Spiritual Poetry

by Peter Menkin, Obl Cam OSB



Book Details

Language : Multiple languages
Publication Date : 31/10/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781477128220
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781477128213

About the Book

The book of poetry by Peter Menkin, Obl Cam OSB, titled, “Seasons of Faith: Religious & Spiritual Poetry,” is a collection of work created 1999 to 2003. Most of the poems were written with the parish newsletter and website in mind, Church of Our Saviour (Episcopal), Mill Valley, California. A collection of statements and contemplations, a work of love and religious feeling/devotion that expresses a spiritual viewpoint, this collection of about 94 pages is the result of a practice of regular worship, and contemplation. The Psalms have also been an inspiration to the poet throughout the years, with the specific Sunday meditation discipline of the period of reading Psalm 119 in entirety at one time. This particular practice was recommended by Episcopal Priest Zoila Schoenbrun. Readers of the English version have said they use the poems in meditation during their personal prayer time, usually in the morning. Rector of Church of Our Saviour, The Reverend Richard Helmer wrote the introduction to the book, now in paperback and available in English, Urdu, and Spanish versions. All the books are published by Xlibris and available through that publisher, and other places, including Poet Peter Menkin lives in Mill Valley, California where almost all of the poems were written, and enjoys his work as a Religion Writer for Church of England Newspaper, London, Religious Intelligence, London, and San Francisco He is engaged to be married to Linda Shirado with a wedding slated in Church at the beginning of 2013. Father Pat Michaels of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Roman Catholic) will officiate. The poet is 66 years of age as of Fall, 2012.

About the Author

Peter Menkin, Obl Cam OSB, has been a Religion Writer for eight years, as of 2013. His work appears Church of England Newspaper, London; Religious Intelligence, London; and, San Francisco Mr. Menkin is an Oblate of Immaculate Heart Hermitage, Big Sur, California and has been associated with the monastery for 16 years. He can be addressed as Brother. He attends religious services regularly as a member of Episcopal Church of Our Saviour in Mill Valley, California where he is parish poet. He attended the Episcopal School for Deacons in Berkeley, California. At 66 years of age, Peter Menkin thinks the series illuminates the lives, but mostly the work, of selected Christian poets, both male and female., It includes some examples of their poetry. Though he is not a critic, the interviews in the book titled, Interviews with American Christian Poets as Appeared Church of England Newspaper, London is a work of journalism by him. Those interest in Christianity, poetry especially, and even students will find the book interesting and maybe special in its unique way of interview.