by Hisham AlShammari & Dhia Aljoubouri



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/04/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 115
ISBN : 9781483621814
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 115
ISBN : 9781483621807

About the Book

Literature is arouse by the new learning which was the inspiration of great prose, poetry and drama. Many of the Elizabethans were fascinated by ideals—they wanted to know how to be perfect courtier, or gentleman, or governor . Most Elizabethan poems picture nature and human beings in a graceful and idealized manner. Surely the Elizabethan believed in perfection, when Shakespeare could write that if he is mistaken in thinking that the true love is unchanging , then I never writ, nor no man ever loved. The Englishmen of the Renaissance were in love with human beauty, which they considered the outward sign of man’s spirit striving for perfection. For the English were not content to write about perfection; they tried to achieve it in their lives. Yet , Sir Thomas Wyatt brought the sonnet from Italy, and the Earl of Surry for the first time used blank verse, which has been a standard English meter ever since .Furthermore, lyric (or” singing”) poetry was developed, for England was becoming a nation of musician and singers. The lighter side of literature and life in seventeenth century is reflected in the lyrics of the Cavalier poets. In Blake’s poetry , we find the traits and attitudes that mark the change from classicism to romanticism .These have already been pointed out briefly as (1) a study and plainly expressed belief in the brotherhood of man;(2)a deep sympathy with humble lives, human and animal alike; (3) a sense of independent spirit of man andnatural right to freedom. Such attitudes are evident on a grand scale in the American Revolution. As a way of thinking and as an approach to literature, Romanticism is associated with vitality, powerful emotion, limitless and dreamlike ideas . The mood of Romanticism prepared the country for a literary outburst. Wordsworth and Coleridge opened new subjects for poetry. Byron , Shelley, and Keats produced poetry excelling in lyric beauty. Following World War I some of the energy and inventiveness in modern drama seemed to leave England as it entered America .

About the Author