by Joan Lewis



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/03/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 318
ISBN : 9781796093544
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 318
ISBN : 9781796093537

About the Book

Marshall is a soldier in the army, and Joan is a seaman apprentice in the navy. Both are in uniform when they meet on a Greyhound Bus. They exchanged addresses and the two of them write one another for a year; it is their only form of communication. They never speak nor meet again during their year of writing. Their letters, as far as Joan realizes, are simply ways of trading positive inputs regarding military life. However, the soldier has other thoughts regarding their correspondences. To Marshall, the contents of the seaman apprentice’s written word shows that she has a caring and kind quality. Somehow, he has fallen for her. But how can he let the lady know that he is hopelessly in love with her? Afterall, he had only met her in person for one hour on a Greyhound Bus ride. But the soldier does confess to the navy apprentice in his next letter; and she admits her love for him as well. After his tour in Vietnam they married. This story tells of their initial meeting and all of the challenges they go through to secure their place in the world. With their love for children, relatives, friends and even strangers, they never fail to show a dedication for helping those in need. It is a heart-warming chronicle that will display how the couple’s love help navigate them through their marriage and many unforeseen obstacles. This book is dedicated to the author’s husband, Marshall Lewis, and all of his descendants as well.

About the Author