Beyond Redemption




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/12/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 242
ISBN : 9781503530263
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 242
ISBN : 9781503530256

About the Book

I have been described as being “Beyond Redemption”. I have been described as the devil incarnate. I have been defying all the rules of modern and classical poetry for over forty years. In terms of success the only difference between me and Charles Bukowski is my lack of an angel such as Black Sparrow Press to devote all their resources to publishing exclusively my work. This is damn good shit. If you read it, I guarantee you’ll like it.

About the Author

Al Ferber, born 1946 Philadelphia, PA. Norman Newberg English teacher at Bucks County Community College 1965 dragged him kicking and screaming into the world of writing. After BCCC he attended Penn State Capitol Campus for one term (worth at least a short story), then Temple University. Many years later, after 30 years of active alcoholism & writing) he attended Villanova University for Drug & Alcohol Addiction Counseling. He then worked as a Drug & Alcohol Addictions Therapist for 15 years. Retired February 2014. His poetry has appeared in over 40 magazines, he has published 3 chapbooks, 18 volumes of poetry, and two novels. He continues to harvest poems from that vast ocean beyond the conscious mind. As long as he continues to be surprised he will continue writing. He has been active as an abstract painter for the last ten years. He and Cathi, his wife of 27 years are selling their house in Bensalem, PA to live full time in Ocean City, NJ.