A Different Kind of Day on the Farm

by Carolyn Peterson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/01/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781514452431
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781514452448

About the Book

This book is about how a particular day on a farm takes an unexpected turn of events. The group of farm animals awaken one day and look forward to eating freshly picked corn for dinner. However, due to the rising temperature as the day progresses, something completely unexpected happens. To the animals' surprise, the corn in the fields begins to pop, and before they know it, popcorn is flying all over the farm. Instead of enjoying corn for dinner, the evening turns into a movie night with freshly popped popcorn for all to enjoy. Even though the day turned out differently than anticipated, everyone went to bed happy that evening.

About the Author

Carolyn Peterson was born and raised in New Jersey. She enjoyed writing as a child, and as she was growing up, she happily cared for many young children. Carolyn earned her degree in speech pathology, married her college sweetheart, and worked for twelve years in her profession before her two sons came along. Reading with her children was one of her favorite ways to pass the time. In addition, working with her boys to write cards to family members for special occasions was also enjoyable. As Carolyn continues to raise her twelve-year and ten-year-old sons, she frequently writes about funny quotes or experiences regarding family time. Carolyn's ten-year-old son gave her the idea for this book. She presently lives in Howell, New Jersey, with her husband and sons.