Thoughts Become Things

How a Squirrel Changed My Life

by Adam Rounisto



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/01/2018

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 394
ISBN : 9781543444056
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 394
ISBN : 9781543444063
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 394
ISBN : 9781543444070

About the Book

Thoughts Become Things by Adam Rounisto A debut novel from a promising new voice, Thoughts Become Things is a book about being able to do whatever you want, surpassing set goals, and being the best version of yourself without being restricted by any constraints. Included are chapters with extensive explanations of thoroughly selected content that will help spur you toward achieving set goals. This book offers readers a plethora of facts, scientific research, and fascinating true life stories, events, and secrets, as well as the kind of real scoop that a lot of other books of the same genre are often reluctant to reveal. It is a well-grounded book that reaches across boundaries. Thoughts Become Things is written by Adam Rounisto, who is an exceptional board and card game designer, songwriter and recording musician, former CEO and network manager, trained patient care technician, and avid student of knowledge. This book offers a window into the complex and exciting mind of the author. He explains a lot of concepts and theories in the context of our everyday lives and also offers his candid experiences and opinions in a clear and unflinching manner.

About the Author

Adam Rounisto writes books, creates music, designs games, and anything else that he can get his hands on. Starting at a young age, he’s always been most fascinated with creation no matter what form it came in. After having an epiphany at the beginning of 2016, he found a new meaning in his life which made him reconsider all of the unrealized dreams of his past and decided that he would live them out to completion now. He vowed to retrace his steps to what he always said that he would do and this book is the first example of that dedication.