All About Twins

by Anne Wigglebottom



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/06/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781543409765
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781543409758

About the Book

This book is about twins and how they play and live together. It is also about the different types of twins and how sometimes they will be alike and sometimes they will be very different. It is to help preschool and early primary school children learn about twins. It also explains that twins do not have to be completely the same and can have different goals and dreams and can look different. They do not have to be completely the same or think the same all the time.

About the Author

Anne is an identical twin, and her experience has been that often children do not know about twins. She would like to use her experience of being an identical twin to help educate children about twins so that they learn about them as part of their education. She is also a trained preschool teacher and has many years of experience working with children. She has written many other children’s books to help educate children.