The Elemental Empires

Arrogance of the Steelon

by Irfan A. Karowalia



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/07/2018

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781984504449
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781984500052
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781984500069

About the Book

This is a story of elemental empires which are located on a galaxy that is split into two halves. One half has got solid elements planets with various islands representing each element, led by a elemental king or queen; the other half has got liquid and gaseous planets, with different elemental empires scattered on separate islands. Each of these elemental islands have domes covering their island to keep their life forms and environment sustained within. Once day, they all unanimously decided to summon a new elemental King known as Steelon at the request of aging King Ironum, who later becomes so arrogant about his strength & superiority that he tried to become an undisputed ruler of the entire galaxy, not realizing that other elemental kings and queens whom he thought are no match for him have planned a surprise for him.

About the Author

He is a writer who loves to write stories based on ideas which has occurred to him over his life time either via documentaries and self explorations about the matters in the universe, humans and other life forms and where they came from and above all why are they created in the first place.