The King In Me

by Isaiah Bealer



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/06/2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 44
ISBN : 9781984582140
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 44
ISBN : 9781984582157

About the Book

The King In Me takes readers on a journey around the world as a father and son meet historical figures from the past and present. As they meet each great figure they receive precious jewels that Yeoshua (son) will need to fully embrace the king in him. This adventurous story is catered towards children and teens but is wrote as a compelling story that anyone can enjoy.

About the Author

Isaiah Bealer is an versatile author whose writing style specializes on catching the undivided attention of his readers. Harnessing the most out of his character’s traits, Isaiah is able to create an array of intriguing plots to manifest immaculate stories. Isaiah’s first published book is a fiction novel by the title of Forever My Brother. Although he switches genres, his second published work titled the King In Me is just as entertaining as his first. Isaiah’s overall objective through his writing is to inspire people in the world to reach the zenith of their full potential.