The Catskills

by John Battish



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/11/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 226
ISBN : 9798369433591
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 226
ISBN : 9798369433614
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 226
ISBN : 9798369433607

About the Book

Jeff Fields is a young politician growing up in New York City. It is 2010. The world has just recovered from an economic collapse. Global warming is providing problems for the youth. Jeff has started dating a young woman named Christine. It is during this time hallucinations start to visit Jeff. He receives medical help in the form of the prescription drug named NeuroSense. As the drug seems to be working, Jeff decides to treat his mental stresses by taking a vacation to the local Catskill Mountains with Christine and his three other friends. However, it seems his prescribed drug is starting to fail as Jeff starts to learn more about the legends of the Catskills. After Jeff reaches his Catskills retreat, Jeff soon finds himself caught between a world of reality and fantasy. Jeff must determine if it is his mind or the place which is causing his turmoil. If he cannot solve this riddle in time, it may become too late for Jeff and his friends!

About the Author

John Battish began his vast medical career at the University of Pennsylvania in the gene therapy department in 1999. During his time in college, John took Writing courses where he learned and was fascinated about the superstitious legends of the past. He is also fascinated by modern technology and its challenges. John Battish in 2008 earned his Master of Science in Clinical Research Organization and Management from Drexel University Medical School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Since that time in the health field, John has seen a rapid growth and advancement in technology. He is now interested to see where this modern technology will travel to while our society deals with the issues and troubles that still persist from the past.