Through the eyes of people who knew Jesus and led the Church

by Rob Bellingham



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/09/2023

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781669880998
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781669881001

About the Book

This vol ume by the author of “The Bible in Verse” has each of the people who feature in the story of Jesus’ ministry give their own perspective of what it was like to walk and talk with Jesus, or to lead the church in the first century. There were thirteen disciples, and many such as Paul, Barnabas, Luke and Silas who led the early church. There were also angels who conveyed messages from God, and men who opposed Jesus. Some Romans believed Jesus was the Son of God, others persecuted and killed Christians. Among the most grateful for the life of Jesus were the many he healed of recent or lifelong diseases and infirmities, or even death. It was the most transformative day of their lives. No other person has impacted human life and history more than Jesus. See him through the eyes of those who knew him best!

About the Author

My background as the writer is farming in Northland, training for the ministry at Baptist College, serving in New Zealand churches for 10 years before a decade of missionary service in India and Bangladesh. I earned a doctorate in Christian Social Ethics from Eastern Baptist Seminary in Philadelphia, USA in the mid 1980’s. I have worked for TEAR Fund and World Vision and been the international leader of Servants to Asia’s Urban Poor. This is a follow-up volume to a 1000 page “Bible in Verse” I wrote over a 12 year period. I hope and pray it may inspire Christians and seekers of truth to deeper love for God as it has done for me, the writer. Rev Dr Rob Bellingham