
a collection of poetry and short stories

by Ron Carter



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/10/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 118
ISBN : 9798369428139
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 118
ISBN : 9798369428122
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 118
ISBN : 9798369428115

About the Book

Voices, is a literary collection of poetry and short stories written by Ronald Carter involving some of the unique experiences and observations of Ronald’s life and lives of those around him. In his writings of this book, he has changed the names of his characters and some locations. It must be understood that the events are based on some of the history of his life. There are good times and some bad times expressed in both his poetry and short stories. There are also morals and lessons to be learned from both the stories and poetry.

About the Author

Ronald Carter is a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He started writing poetry at an early age of twelve. His love of poetry was influenced by the writings of Edgard Allen Poe, Niki Giovani, Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison, and Alex Hailey. Since 1995 to the present Ronald has participated in many poetry, historical reenactment, and storytelling events with such organizations as Mad Poets Society, La unique Book Store and Cultural Center’s Poets Den, Poets and Prophets, Philadelphia Poetry and Literary Forum, Moonstone Arts Center, Barnes and Noble, Philadelphia Pen and Pencil Club, Historic Philadelphia, Keepers Of The Culture Inc., National Association Of Black Storytellers, Patchwork Storytelling Guild, October Gallery, Free Library of Philadelphia, and the African American Museum in Philadelphia. Ron is also published in the Mad Poets’ and Philadelphia Poetry and Literary Forum’s anthologies.