Strange City: The Future of Neo-Tech

The Future of Neo-Tech

by Charles Beeler



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 19/10/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 404
ISBN : 9780738822709

About the Book

The book was conceived after reading a manuscript known as Neo-Tech by Dr. Frank R Wallace and a book entitled Engines of Creation by K. Eric Drexler. Each of these books was read by the author at least and one no fewer than five times. The Engines of creation describes the future of a technology known as nanotechnology. Nanotechnology will change mankind more than did the invention of fire back in neolithic times. Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter at the atomic level which is at the one billionth of a meter squared. To understand how small that is imagine the Word IBM written in atoms on a silver substrate. This was done in the early eighties. Today gears and bearings are starting to make mini microscopic machines take place. Soon they will be handling all human problems such as the generation of power and the process of locomotion. A crystal the size of a soup can will power one whole sector of a city. Suits so thin that the person appears naked will be used in the harsh environment of outer space. All these things will be made in tiny nanotechnology labs. People will be able to make anything they want in the comfort of their own homes. Nanotechnology has already started to make its way into the human sphere. For instance tiny nano tubes are used in a cars gas tank to bind hydrogen gas so it can be used as fuel and safely.

Chapter one finds the future population nearly completely separated from the general population. Actually the future population with commercial biological immortality (CBI) has become the dominant population while the rest of the population still caught up in mysticism regresses toward savagery  with each passing month. The future population live in huge domes which house hundreds of thousands and even millions of people in luxury that only nanotechnology can provide. The other population or the reactionaries lived as our relatives lived in the fourth century. There was no running water people hauled things with a donkey or a cow. Wolves marauded their streets  pulling sleeping children from their beds. Alcohol and drug abuse was rampant as was prostitution. The two populations couldnt have been more different and it was all from simple human choice that kept them that way. The poison that was keeping the reactionaries sick was the disease known as mysticism. It had poisoned consciousness three thousand years before and had hung on for millennia until in the late twentieth Neo-Tech had lifted mankind from its clutches and given them commercial biological immortality.  

The hero of the first few chapters is known as Rebar. He is not a mystic but uses nano- technology to clean up messy situations and to make sex the ultimate experience like it should be. He flies around in his spherically driven device and gets the reactionaries out of trouble time and again.

Chapter two takes place in the year 2050 although the years were being counted from when the galactic data base was discovered now. Rebar had started a concerted  effort to save the prostitutes of Strange City. They seemed to have most promise of becoming future citizens. Artificial intelligence programmers were put to work to try to come up with a formula which would allow the prostitutes to become future citizens  The battle to bring people into respectability and commercial biological immortality came with the advent of Neo-Tech and that struggle began in Las Vegas in the mid sixties with a man named Frank R. Wallace.

Chapter three begins in the mob infested gambling halls of Las Vegas. The money was being sent back to New York City where it was being laundered through loan sharking and prostitution as well as illegal numbers rackets. There were murders in Vegas monthly from disagreements as to who was going to run the casinos and how. There was disagreement as to tribute and to whom. It was in this environment that an engineer Dr. Frank R. Wallace became interested in the card tables. He had been an e

About the Author

Charles Beeler was born into a scientific family. His father was a professor of Chemistry and Physics at a university in northern New York. His interest in science and the way things will work is evident in this novel. In 1987 when he read the manuscript Neo-Tech. His imagination truly took off.